
CEF Product of The Week - MyChelle Dermaceuticals Del Sol Sunless Tanner

As a follow-up to last week’s product post (100% pure exfoliator)... here is a great alternative to dangerous synthetic self-tanners to help you keep that natural glow all year round. Can’t part with your fave tan in a can? Well consider this...
I spent a long time searching for THE at home self-tanner with the best results and I did find it! It worked instantly so I could see where it was applied and didn’t give me that splotchy/streaky look. The results looked as close to natural as a self-tanner could, and since it was a spray application it always looked totally even and literally took two secs to apply. I used it like it was going out of style! Then, when I  learned of the potential dangers associated with the use of parabens and other chemicals in skincare, and colorings and absorbing agents commonly used in self-tanners, I crossed my fingers and wished and hoped that this specific product did not contain any. It was then that I noticed, the ingredients weren’t disclosed on the packaging. So, I went on the website to try to find them, but they were not listed there either...NOT a good sign. Now, I was really starting to worry about what I had been religiously putting on my skin, but I googled, and found a reassuring blurb on the company’s website that said: “Company name” ‘s products contain only botanically extracted ingredients and no preservatives.” OMG! That’s amazing! I thought. I anticipated that this product was going to be chemical crammed! Well, I don’t know how or exactly why, but it seems that that blurb was a lie and a half. These were the real ingredients in that product (I finally tracked them down):
Deionized water, thoxydiglycol, Dihydroxyacetone, Propylene Glycol. Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Dimethicone Dicaprylyl Maleate, Glyceryl Stearate (and) PEG 100 Stearate, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Erythrulose, Stearyl alcohol, Polysorbate 85, Cetyl alcohol, PPG-5 Ceteth-10, phosphate, Otcyl Palmitate, Trisodium Edta C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, PVP, Eicosene Copolymer, Diazolidinyl Urea, Glyceryl Stearate, Aloe Vera, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Xanthan Gum, Panthenol, Water Fragrance, Methylparaben, FD&C Red #40 FD&C Yellow #5, FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Yellow #6
I stopped using this tan in a can I once loved immediately (this was one of the hard ones to give up). What worried me the most about its ingredients was the presence of PEG coupled with the Methylparaben, colorings, and other toxic chemicals, because as the company claimed on its website that their “technology” “transports” the active ingredients to deeper layers of the skin, what really should have been said was the PEG in our product will allow the toxins in it to absorb into several layers of your skin which runs the risk of them entering your bloodstream. Also, the main ingredients in all self-tanners when exposed to the deeper layers of skin cause premature aging. Needless to say, I was highly disappointed by this company’s misleading marketing ploy.  
So then commenced my hunt for a safe yet effective alternative to my once rave worthy self-tanner. All self-tanners work because of one of two or a combination of both the ingredients DHA (Dihydroxyacetone) and/or ethrulose. Both are non-toxic and natural based substances which turn skin shades of yellow-brown by way of a chemical reaction of the amino acids already present on skin. The results of this reaction look similar to that of UV tanning since the pigments formed (melaniodins) are similar in color to melanin (the substance our body creates when exposed to the sun or tanning beds.)  Everyone’s amino acids are different, so the same product may have a totally different end result from one person to the next. Also, as with any product, there is always a chance that your skin may react negatively to it and a rash or allergic reaction may occur. Therefore, Del Sol contains natural ingredients that have anti-allergy, and anti-inflammatory properties.

The reason self-tanning sprays are risky are because DHA and other ingredients found in most sunless tanners are considered safe for external application but it has not yet been declared whether or not they are safe to inhale. Even the FDA warns users to take caution and avoid any of the product from getting in the mucous membranes. Having someone professionally apply a spray-on sunless tanner is safer than spray tan booths like Mystic Tan because there is better ventilation, and you can control where the spray is going. However, in general you should be cautious when using any form of spray tan because this service is not thoroughly regulated and many of the required precautionary steps are not used at tanning salons or at home like the use of goggles, lip balm, nose plugs etc.. Keep in mind there are up to 45 chemicals that might be present in synthetic spray tan solutions. Some of them are lead, mercury, and even arsenic!!

So far, I have been very pleased by the safe and non-toxic self-tanner I have been using lately. It is called Del Sol and is made by MyChelle Dermaceuticals. It is a cream that looks and feels similar to a moisturizer, is comprised of many bioactive ingredients, and its active ingredients are sugar and vegetable derived. The packaging suggests that you mix the product with your favorite body lotion to achieve a gradual tan, or use alone for quicker and more intense results. Either way works great! I like to use it every few days or so (without mixing it with anything) in order to achieve and maintain a natural looking tan. Not only does it make me tan though, it also makes my skin soft, supple, and more radiant looking the day after I apply it! I wouldn’t recommend daily application as the results are pretty intense, and although after one application the results are great and natural looking, if you don’t wait for it to fade a little before applying more it tends to look unnatural and can even a bit orange. Remember, just because you don’t see a change right away after about 5-6 hours the color will start to show, so you don’t want to overload it and wind up looking like Magda from There’s Something About Mary.  Although, the results are not immediate, If you wash your hands right away after application and pay close attention to where you are applying it, you shouldn’t have any severe streakage going on. This is hands down the best natural self-tanner on the market right now! Go to: http://www.mychelle.com/delsolbronzingsystem.aspx and receive 15% off on this and any MyChelle product until Sept. 30th, and like with any self-tanner Don’t forget to exfoliate before applying!  


Just Soy No!

Soy producers have been feeding the American public a big lie! Well, technically they haven’t lied, but you know that obnoxious saying: “I didn’t lie. I just didn’t tell the truth.” Well, that’s pretty much what the soy producers have been doing. Not telling us the truth. You see, soy was initially sold as a food product in the US when soybeans were found to be the best and most inexpensive source for vegetable oil, and the manufacturing of this oil left its producers with an overabundance of waste product (or as you may know it- isolated soy protein.) Sound familiar? That’s because it is the main ingredient in many popular soy foods like soy burgers and soy ice cream. A toxic and carcinogenic waste product! Considering the soy producers had so much of this isolated soy protein on their hands, and disposing of it would lose them money and consequently defeat their purpose of using it, they quickly cooked up a huge marketing plot. One thing that life experience and my marketing degree has taught me is that advertisers can be quite crafty and can have such a strong influence over American decision making. One member of the soy industry was actually quoted as having said “The quickest way to gain product availability in the less affluent society is to have the product consumed on its own merit in a more affluent society.” So that is exactly what they did. Using their knowledge of the health benefits of traditional Japanese fermented soy products like miso and tempeh, they manipulated the American public into believing that their products were just as nutritious and highly coveted. The opposite was true.

In asian cultures, soy is considered healthy to eat as a side dish and only after all of the toxins and phytates (enzymes which block the absorption of necessary minerals) are removed from it by a fermentation process that takes over a thousand years. The Japanese also balance the soy in their diet by serving it along with foods like fish broth which is high in iodine and other minerals that are depleted by soy intake. The American soy products like soy milks, cheeses, and tofu on the other hand, are produced in a way that foregoes this key process so that they may be made quickly, cheaply, and in large quantities. In not fermenting these products, several issues ensue...
For starters, the processing of soy products forms MSG (a neurotoxin known to cause migraines and brain cancer.) Unfermented soy is also goitrogenic. This means it prevents your thyroid from receiving the necessary amount of iodine. When this continues, it can cause hypothyroidism which may then lead to weight gain, fatigue, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and even cause thyroid cancer. As mentioned above, unfermented soy also contains phytates, which not only prevent the body from absorbing the nutrients found in soy such as B12 and vitamin D but they actually increase the body’s requirement for these nutrients. Aside from phytates, soy contains trypsin (an enzyme necessary for protein digestion) inhibitors, aluminum (a metal that is harmful to the nervous system), and hemaglutinin (an antibody which causes blood clots). The trypsin inhibitors can create severe amino acid deficiencies, gastric problems, and not to mention pancreatic cancer. Both trypsin inhibitors, and hemaglutinin have also been found to stunt human growth. Soy also contains high amounts of phytoestrogens (naturally occurring compounds that mimic estrogen within our bodies) which interfere with our body’s endocrine functions. Phytoestrogens are dangerous for women because they promote breast cancer. In men, phytoestrogens may cause infertility, and can create an overgrowth of breast tissue and/or a leaking from the breasts of growing boys. Due to the abundance of phytoestrogens in soy, babies that are fed soy formula/milk are ingesting the equivalent of 4-5 birth control pills a day!! That is 22,000 times greater than a breast fed baby and levels that high can lead to autoimmune thyroid disease. Eating a diet which consists of soy also slows testosterone, which can lead to excess hair growth, considerably lower sperm count, and a lower sex drive. Japanese women would actually serve soy to their men to intentionally decrease their libido! Considering the amount of Viagra and Cialis scripts being handed out left and right by doctors these days, I would guess this would be an undesirable effect in present day western cultures

In Asia, soy only became recognized as a food after fermentation techniques were discovered. So, when U.S. soy manufactures initially made their furtive attempt to market isolated soy protein as a food additive, the FDA was hesitant to approve it. They eventually passed it but only with a “generally recognized as safe” status. Even that questionable status got revoked once scientists started coming forward with their findings of its carcinogenic and toxic components.  Now, soy protein may be added to food, but only with pre-market approval for each and every product. I don’t know about you, but that does not make me feel assured that it is safe to sink my teeth into it. If the FDA was weary to approve it, I am most definitely weary to ingest it!
When I first heard about all of the dangers of soy I was shocked! I could not believe how as a country, we were sold to believe that soy was this wonder-food and the perfect candidate to replace red meats, poultry, and dairy. All the while the soy producers had been concealing the truth about all of its harmful effects. There are so many, so I have only mentioned the ones that I feel are especially unsettling. In order to cover them all, I would have needed more room than this blog allots. I do hope it was enough information to enlighten you about the major risks associated with consuming common soy products. It is now up to you to decide if the benefits outweigh the risks?


CEf's Product of The Week - 100% Pure-Organic Vanilla Bean Buttercream Body Scrub

As a still, hot summer air begins to make it’s transition into the brisk breeze of autumn, and the leaves begin to change, so do our beauty routines. We give up our effortless Summer style of sun-kissed skin and beach blown hair and give in to a slightly more involved regimen of repairing that “bleach blown hair” a.k.a. chlorine, sand, sun, and salt battered strands back to health; moisturizing skin to re-hydrate it after a summer of sunning; and the application of a great self-tanner in order to avoid that dull, blue blood-esque skin tone (Vampires may be big in the box office and small screen these days, but I don’t think their complexions will be the new must-have.) As many of us have learned the hard way, in order to achieve a natural looking glow and avoid a splotchy oompa-loompa orange tinge, you must exfoliate regularly and especially prior to applying any self-tanner. My new fave (and of course all-natural) exfoliator is the Organic Vanilla Bean Buttercream Body Scrub by 100% Pure. It smells like a freshly baked batch of homemade cupcakes and does the double duty of exfoliating and making my skin amazingly soft and smooth. Considering the fact that many household concoctions may be whipped up easily and used as effective exfoliators, I had no trouble finding a natural alternative to the preservative ridden exfoliators of my past. This just happens to be one of my all time favorite natural products. I just can’t get enough of this stuff! The only problem I have had with it is that I like it so much that I am constantly having to re-stock my shower shelf with it. Next time, I just may have to buy it in bulk ;-) This 100% vegan product is definitely an essential for any eco-chic girl’s autumn wishlist. Try it http://www.100percentpure.com/bodyscrub_16.html ...You’ll be hooked quicker than you can say pumpkin spice latte! 
P.S. Free Shipping on orders over $50


CEf's Product(s) of The Week - The CARE by Stella McCartney Product Line

A designer who gets it! Care by Stella McCartney is an esthetically appealing and simultaneously power-packed certified organic skin care line which was launched by the designer in 2007. It is the first designer skin care line that consists of 100% bioactive ingredients. Stella McCartney is an eco-conscious vegetarian that shares my belief that a girl does not have to sacrifice luxury in order to make the switch to organic skin care. Due to Stella's organic background (she spent her childhood on an organic farm) and firm beliefs, it is apparent that she created Care for all the right reasons. This is not just another designer skin care line that claims to be "green" because it's products contain some natural and/or organic ingredients. The care products are not only ecocert certified organic and ecological, but they contain no animal or endangered plant species derived ingredients, are not tested on animals, and their packaging is entirely recyclable (even the paper inserts are recycled.) The name of this product line is perfectly suited for such an eco-compassionate concept.
The Care line consists of 3 elixirs, 2 moisturizers, 2 cleansers, and a toner- designed to be used in conjunction with one another, to cleanse & tone, moisturize & protect, and rescue & revive. The Care products smell just as lavish as other popular designer skin care items, but the fragrances used in them are all natural and organic. The chic and sleek packaging is sealed air-tight in the products that require it in order to prohibit the growth of bacteria, and are made of 100% recyclable materials. You can actually send the products back to the company and they will handle the recycling themselves. Just click on the above link, then register on the website, and if you do so you will also be entered into a contest to win a Stella handbag. See, going green really does have its perks! :-)
I have tried almost every product from the line and have yet to be disappointed, My favorite is the Radiance & Youth Elixir. It gives your skin an instant dewy glow, and is gentle enough to be used throughout the day whenever you feel like your skin needs a quick pick me up. The only gripe I have is that the Gentle Cleansing Milk may be a little too gentle, and you cannot use it near your eyes so it shouldn't be used to remove eye make-up. I prefer my cleanser to be a one-stop shop that both rids my face of dirt and oil but also removes all traces of make-up. However, I do feel that this cleanser would be well suited for those of you who do not wear make-up. To find out more about this eco-chic skin care line  and where you can find it, click on the link embedded in the title of this post.

Gluten-Free Food Zone

A good friend / college roommate of mine recently told me that she was diagnosed with celiac and therefore must be on a gluten-free diet. When we were living together, it seemed like she was constantly suffering from some kind of stomach discomfort and would have to go home regularly for medical testing. I am relieved to hear that has she finally figured out what has been ailing her all these years, and that she is now gluten free. If left untreated, celiac would not only cause pain and discomfort, but it can cause life-threatening complications. 
Some of my favorite snack foods just so happen to be gluten-free already, and I am constantly trying gluten-free alternatives of everyday foods just for kicks. Right now I’m obsessed with Jennies Coconut Macaroons. They are not only gluten-free, but they are also dairy free, and soy free. They are sweetened with honey instead of sugar, and I don’t feel guilty indulging in them since they are loaded with coconut, which is amazing for your skin and immune system.  
Having to live gluten-free seems like it could be quite challenging at times, and because there are so many hidden sources of gluten, just glancing at product labels doesn’t cut it. In hopes of alleviating some of the workload that goes into shopping for gluten-free food alternatives, I am going to continue to post up more of my fave gluten-free snacks, products, and recipes for my friend and others with a gluten restriction in their diet. In the meantime, keep in mind that just because you may have dietary limitations, that does not mean the food you eat must be bland and monotonous. Many organic, natural, and even gluten-free foods are loaded with flavor! You just have to find the best ones through trial and error.